Hayom Yom

Hayom-Yom for 25, Elul

24 Elul, 5774 - September 19, 201426 Elul, 5774 - September 21, 2014

Hayom Yom was written by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1942-43).
In this box we have listed the Torah Lessons for this year.
The Torah Lessons below in the text are as they were in the original edition.
Shabbos, 25 Elul, 5774 - September 20, 2014
Torah Lessons
Chumash: Nitzavim-Vayeilech, 7th portion (Deut. 31:20-31:30) with Rashi.
Tehillim: Chapter 119 (verses 1-96), Also 73-75
Tanya: English text / Audio / MP3
     3 chapters: Hebrew / Audio / MP3,
     1 chapter: Hebrew / Audio / MP3,
     Sefer Hamitzvos: English / Audio / MP3

  • Say the entire Tehillim in the early morning.
  • Day of Farbrengen.
  • S'lichot immediately after midnight, but on the remaining S'lichot days - in the early morning.

When Nitzavim and Vayeilech are separate, the Maftir and Shevi'i of Nitzavim begin at Re'ei Natati L'fanecha...

Shabbat Elul 25 5703
Torah Lessons
Chumash: Nitzavim-Vayeilech, Shevi'i with Rashi.
Tehillim: 119, 1-96. Also 73-75.
Tanya: XIX. "He wraps (p. 489)...(as follows). (p. 491).

The Alter Rebbe related:

"When I was in Mezritch I heard from my Rebbe, the Maggid, in the name of the Baal Shem Tov:

The seventh month (Tishrei), first of the months of the year, [1] is blessed by G-d Himself, on Shabbat Mevarchim - last Shabbat in the month of Elul.[2]

With this power [3] Israel blesses the other months eleven times a year.

It is written, Atem Nitzavim Hayom, "You stand this day." [4] This day refers to Rosh Hashana which is the day of Judgment (as it is written, "The day came," [5] which Targum renders, the day of the great judgment came). Yet you remain standing firmly upright (nitzavim), meaning - you will be vindicated in judgment." [6]

On the Shabbat preceding Rosh Hashana, the last Shabbat in Elul, we read the Parsha of Atem Nitzavim, which is G-d's blessing [7] on the Shabbat-of-blessing the seventh month (Shabbat Mevarchim).

That seventh month (Tishrei) is itself sated [8] - and in turn satiates all Israel - with an abundance of good for the duration of the (coming) year."



  1. (Back to text) While Tishrei is the seventh month of the Festival Calendar (which begins with Nissan), it is the first month of the Annual Calendar, marking the years since Creation.

    See Likutei Sichos Vol. 4, p. 1139, footnote 2.

  2. (Back to text) The month of Tishrei is not blessed by the congregants in Shul on the Shabbat preceding it, unlike all other months of the year.

  3. (Back to text) I.e. with the power of G-d's blessing of the seventh month - Tishrei.

  4. (Back to text) Devarim 29:9.

  5. (Back to text) Iyov 2:1.

  6. (Back to text) This assurance of vindication in the upcoming Rosh Hashana judgment - contained in the opening words of Nitzavim - is G-d's blessing of Tishrei - embodied in the Torah-reading.

  7. (Back to text) See footnote 6.

  8. (Back to text) The word Sheva (seven), may alternately be rendered Sova (sated).
