
Rambam for Thursday, 22 Tamuz, 5776 - July 28, 2016

Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos
As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule

Negative Mitzvah 266

21 Tamuz, 5776 - July 27, 201623 Tamuz, 5776 - July 29, 2016

Negative Mitzvah 266: It is forbidden to envy other people's possessions
Deuteronomy 5:18 "You shall not desire your neighbor's house"

We are commanded not to be jealous or envious of other people's belongings.

The word "house" includes all that which belongs to another person.

The difference between the previous Negative Mitzvah (265) and this Negative Mitzvah is that, this Negative Mitzvah forbids us to be jealous or envious of something that belongs to another person.

The previous Negative Mitzvah forbids us to try to purchase or gain an object that we desire which belongs to another person.

Of the very great tzaddikim, many had wives greater than themselves and daughters greater than their sons. So it was with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So it was with Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Meir. So it was with many great masters of Chassidism.

This is because these tzaddikim, in their personal lives, were already tasting of the World to Come.

From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman - tzvif@aol.com
