Hayom Yom

Hayom-Yom for 17, Tammuz

16 Tamuz, 5776 - July 22, 201618 Tamuz, 5776 - July 24, 2016

Hayom Yom was written by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1942-43).
In this box we have listed the Torah Lessons for this year.
The Torah Lessons below in the text are as they were in the original edition.
Shabbos, 17 Tamuz, 5776 - July 23, 2016
Torah Lessons
Chumash: Balak, 7th portion (Num. 24:14-25:9) with Rashi.
Tehillim: 83-87
Tanya: English text / Audio / MP3
     3 chapters: Hebrew / Audio / MP3,
     1 chapter: Hebrew / Audio / MP3,
     Sefer Hamitzvos: English / Audio / MP3

  • Fast Day. S'lichot (p. 362). Avinu Malkeinu (p. 277).

Tuesday Tamuz 17 5703
Torah Lessons
Chumash: Pinchas, Shlishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 83-87.
Tanya: There still (p. 353)...are not concluded."). (p. 355).

The difference between the first tablets (of the Ten Commandments) and the second:

In the tablets proper: The first were the "work of G-d" [1] but the second, "hew for yourself." [2]

In the script: According to the sages in Eiruvin 54a, only the first ones had (the spiritual quality described by the words) [3] "engraved on the tablets."

In the spiritual standing of the people Israel: When the first were given, they were Tzadikim, for as they stood at Mt. Sinai "their defilement came to an end." But at the second tablets they were Baalei Teshuva, repentants.

In the spiritual standing of Moshe: When the Torah was given, Moshe received one thousand "lights" as a gift; with the sin of the Golden Calf these were taken from him and were not restored with the second tablets (except on Shabbat, as stated in P'ri Eitz Chaim).

The second tablets, however, did have this superior quality: That they were given along with Halachot (laws), Midrash and Aggadot, etc., a "double gift of Torah-wisdom," [4] as explained in Nedarim 22b.

Also, at the second, Moshe's face shone with rays of light.



  1. (Back to text) Sh'mot 32:17.

  2. (Back to text) Ibid 34:1.

  3. (Back to text) Viz. Rashi on Eiruvin 54a: Had the first tablets not been broken, the Torah would have remained forever engraved in Israel's heart, and would never have been forgotten. This immense "spiritual quality" was absent from the second tablets, although they too were engraved in a Divine, miraculous manner. See Likutei Sichot Vol. 14, p. 31 et seq., and footnote 11 ibid.

  4. (Back to text) Iyov 11:6 according to Metzudat Tziyon. Midrash Sh'mot Raba, Ch. 46 (beg.). Viz Likutei Sichot Vol. 9, p. 248, and footnotes there.
