Hayom Yom

Hayom-Yom for 22, Shevat

21 Shevat, 5777 - February 17, 201723 Shevat, 5777 - February 19, 2017

Hayom Yom was written by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1942-43).
In this box we have listed the Torah Lessons for this year.
The Torah Lessons below in the text are as they were in the original edition.
Shabbos, 22 Shevat, 5777 - February 18, 2017
Torah Lessons
Chumash: Yisro, 7th portion (Exod. 20:15-20:23) with Rashi.
Tehillim: 106-107
Tanya: English text / Audio / MP3
     3 chapters: Hebrew / Audio / MP3,
     1 chapter: Hebrew / Audio / MP3,
     Sefer Hamitzvos: English / Audio / MP3

Thursday Sh'vat 22 * 5703
Torah Lessons
Chumash: Yitro, Chamishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 106-107.
Tanya: Now, since at (p. 97)...his studies anyway). (p. 97).

There are two sorts of statutes:

  1. statutes that create life, and

  2. statutes created by life.

Human laws are created by life so they vary from land to land according to circumstances.

The A-lmighty's Torah is a G-dly law that creates life.

G-d's Torah is the Torah of truth, the same in all places, at all times. Torah is eternal.



    * This day marks the passing, in 5748 (1988) of the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka o.b.m., daughter of the Previous Rebbe o.b.m. She was the wife, for sixty years, of the Rebbe Sh'lita.

    For an explanation of the significance of the passing of tzadikim in general, and of the Rebbetzin o.b.m. in particular (including that it occurred in the month of Sh'vat), see the Sicha of Parshat Mishpatim 5748, particularly footnotes 1-7.
